A convicted sex attacker has been jailed for breaking a Court order designed to protect his victim from further harassment or abuse.

Hedar Ali, 31, of Templar Way, Fairweather Green, Bradford, was sentenced at Bradford Crown Court yesterday to two breaches of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order.

He was given the lifetime order to prevent him from being within 500 metres of his victim when he was jailed for a sexual assault.

Prosecutor Paul Nicholson said Ali, who was jailed for five years for his part in the Bradford riots, was on bail for possession of crack cocaine and heroin when he breached the order twice.

He had been in her garden, looking through windows and her letterbox and approached the woman in the street.

Mr Nicholson said the victim tolerated this at first but complained to the police when he became more “obsessive and erratic”.

He said: “She says she was walking her children home from school and he walked up to her in the street. He was acting weird and foaming from the mouth.”

He accused her of laughing at him, said Mr Nicholson.

The second breach was when he called at her house on April 15.

Mr Nicholson said: “She said his behaviour was getting worse and worse and she was beginning to fear for her safety and the safety of her children.”

Ali pleaded guilty to the breaches last month.

He also admitted two charges of possession of crack cocaine and heroin after being stopped by police on May 20.

Peter Hampton, for Ali, said he had become addicted to crack and heroin after being sent to prison.

“His life is somewhat chaotic,” he said.

Judge Peter Benson sentenced Ali to eight months for the two “deliberate and flagrant” breaches.

He gave him a conditional discharge for six months on two counts of possession of class A drugs.