A Victorian chapel opened 125 years ago is to close its doors to worshippers next month due to spiralling repair bills and high running costs.

Services at Ebenezer Methodist Church in Rooley Lane, Dudley Hill, are to move to a nearby church hall after members of its congregation were quoted more than £200,000 for work to stabilise the building.

The church’s property steward Leslie Atkins, 66, of Bierley, said at least £50,000 was needed to repair the chapel’s ceiling, which has deteriorated substantially.

Mr Atkins, who has been attending services at Ebenezer for 60 years, said: “We didn’t think it’s worth that sort of money. We are running at a £100 a week loss. We can’t justify spending that money.

“It’s a much-loved building. It will hold 260 people but we have a congregation now of around 20 to 25 people. It’s a sad decision but I think everybody has accepted the inevitability of it, it has to be this way.”

  • Read more on this story in today's T&A