Bradford boasts the second lowest re-offending rate across Yorkshire and Humber, according to a snapshot of figures.

Statistics published by the Ministry of Justice show 8,729 offenders were monitored between July 1 last year and June 30 and of those 8.68 per cent went on to commit a further crime within three months.

Nationally 9.81 per cent went on to re-offend, compared with 10.14 per cent of the cohort in West Yorkshire and 10.39 across Yorkshire and the Humber.

East Riding boasted a 7.57 per cent level, followed by Bradford, which had the best record in West Yorkshire. Hull recorded the worst record across the region at 12.49 per cent of its sample re-offending.

The snapshot of offenders cover a wide range of crimes from low level to high risk and are used to monitor re-offending rates at a local level.

Shipley MP Philip Davies said: “I am pleased that re-offending rates in Bradford are lower than elsewhere but it is still an awful lot of people who are re-offending."