Shooting 36 metres into the sky out of the mirror pool, the central fountain in Bradford’s City Park was unveiled today.

After days of testing, the jet was working to full capacity for the first time and at its height appeared to almost match the spire on City Hall.

Technical experts will soon move on to testing and adjusting the jets around the perimeter.

The central jet fountain operates when the mirror pool is full and the Y-shaped causeway is covered by water.

Councillor David Green, the Council’s executive member for regeneration and economy, said: “What it will give to the people of Bradford is one of the best public spaces in Europe and I don’t think we should be under-selling ourselves.

“We have got something here that is world class.”

Four fountains within the mirror pool will shoot plumes of water 15m into the air while around the edge of the pool another 45 fountains will spray water up to 5m.

Another ten fountains will be capable of creating an archway of water over one leg of the causeway. In the children’s play area there are 40 low-power jets which are flush to the ground and they are set, like the rest of the pool, within granite which has a finish that reduces the chance of slipping.

Water within the pool will be filtered, sterilised and treated before it reaches the surface.

Construction of the park is due to be largely complete this month although some minor works will continue, before the park is expected to be fully open in January.

An official opening ceremony is being organised for the spring.

A delay of two months to the opening as been blamed on the severe winter weather and changes to the design.

Costs have been cut to try to manage any overspend on the multi-million pound scheme, which Conservatives believe is in the region of £4 million.
