Fresh allegations have been made about a nursing home where two careworkers were sacked for posting pictures of a resident online.

Reuben Davison said he moved his 76-year-old mum and 80-year-old dad out of Currergate Nursing Home, in Skipton Road, Steeton, six weeks ago because he was concerned at the standard of care they were receiving.

Mr Davison, who lives in Guiseley, said: “The level of care was unsatisfactory and some of the nursing staff were just dreadful.

“Mum suffers from Parkinson’s disease and is quite incontinent but she is still aware of what is going on. She would press the alarm and it would be 20 minutes before anyone came. We would go looking for staff and see they had turned the alarm off and carried on with what they were doing or we found them sat in the dining room eating their lunch.

“We had rows with a nurse who quoted lunch break laws at us while my parents were soiling themselves and getting upset. My mum was very distressed at times. It was like being a child again for her.”

Mr Davison said his parents, who are from Silsden, are now in another nursing home together and were happy with the care they were receiving. He said he and his family had lodged a complaint about the nursing home with Bradford Council.

Gill Sangster, operations manager for The Czajka Care Group, which owns the nursing home, said a number of concerns were raised by the Davison family, which were fully investigated.

She said: “We acknowledge that there were shortfalls in the care provided to Mr and Mrs Davison while they were at Currergate Nursing Home and we apologise for any distress and anxiety caused to them and their family.

“We continually strive to ensure that we deliver a quality service to all our residents however we recognise that there are occasions when things go wrong and we will always do our utmost to address any concerns raised and put matters right.”

Janice Simpson, the Council’s assistant director for operational services – adult and community services – said: “There was a referral to the Council’s adult protection unit made in June regarding concerns about care practices. This was fully investigated by Currergate management and appropriate action was taken.

“A complaint has recently been received from the same family by our customer care and complaints unit regarding further concerns and they are under investigation.”

The nursing home hit the headlines last week when two care home workers were sacked after they behaved inappropriately in a resident’s room.

Following the incident, Mrs Sangster apologised to families affected, stressing it was an “isolated incident”.