Residents are being asked to share their views on a key strategy to manage development and growth across the district over the next 15 years.

As part of the 12-week public engagement on the Local Development Framework’s core strategy, Bradford Council has set up drop-in consultation events during November and December for people to find out more about the document and share their views.

Councillor Val Slater, the Council’s executive member for change programme, housing and planning, said: “We welcome residents’ input and hope they will take the opportunity to attend these consultation events.”

The drop-in events are: Tuesday, November 22, noon to 7pm, Thornbury Centre, Leeds Old Road, Bradford; Wednesday, November 23, noon to 7pm, National Media Museum, Bradford; Thursday, November 24, noon to 7pm, Shipley Town Hall; Friday, November 25, noon to 7pm, Richard Dunn Sports Centre, Bradford; Saturday, November 26, 10am to 4pm, National Media Museum, Bradford; Tuesday, November 29, noon to 7pm, Kings Hall, Ilkley; Friday, December 2, noon to 7pm, Temple Row Centre, Keighley.

At these drop-in events, the public will be able to learn more about the core strategy – a key planning document within the Council’s Local Development Framework, which will replace the old Unitary Development Plan.

The consultation documents are available to view on the Council’s website at and also at main libraries including Bradford Central, Shipley, Keighley and Ilkley, as well as Council offices at Jacobs Well, Bradford, the Keighley One-Stop Shop, Shipley Town Hall and Ilkley Town Hall.

The documents set out broad locations for development until 2028 and policies that will influence the use of land and the type and scale of development permitted, as well as identifying key infrastructure requirements.

Views and comments must be submitted by January 20 and will be taken into account when producing the next stage of the document.