A drug dealer has been warned he faces a lengthy jail term after a stash of drugs, a gun and ammunition and about £750,000 in cash were discovered at a house in Bradford.

Police found the stash belonging to 43-year-old Zulfiquar Shah when officers raided the home of Joanne Leriche, 37, in Rylstone Mount, Lidget Green, on April 12.

The pair appeared before a judge at Bradford Crown Court yesterday, when Shah admitted possessing “large amounts” of crack cocaine, 1.4kg of impure heroin, amphetamine and mephedrone, with intent to supply.

Attache cases containing money were also found hidden in wardrobes in the house and police discovered a Browning 525 12-bore shotgun and bullets.

Shah, of Hollybank Road, Great Horton, Bradford, admitted possessing the drugs with intent to supply and possessing money either directly or indirectly linked to crime. He also pleaded guilty to possession of the gun, six 6.35 calibre and 0.380 calibre bullets and a separate charge of possessing a firearm when prohibited.

Judge John Potter told him he would receive a “significant and lengthy” sentence. Leriche admitted possession but denied intent to supply the drugs.

She also denied knowledge of the gun, ammunition and money.

Paul Nicholson, prosecuting, said the Crown accepted she might not have known about the gun and bullets but said he was not able to accept that she did not know about at least some of the money.

Rodney Ferm, representing Shah, said not all the drugs found at the house were his and that the heroin was payment for selling drugs. He had been earning a living as a builder and had not been involved in smuggling the drugs, said Mr Ferm.

He had fallen victim to the temptations offered by those around him, he said.

Mr Ferm said: “When somebody hoards a quantity as large as this, he can’t be too far away from its importation. It is certainly a long way off street level.”

He said the money did not belong to Mr Shah. “A man who goes out and works long hours and does dirty work is unlikely to be the owner of £750,000 in cash,” he said.

Judge Potter gave Shah credit for pleading guilty at the first opportunity but added: “Please don’t be under any misapprehension, you are going to receive a significant and lengthy sentence in custody.”

The judge granted Leriche bail and ordered a report into her background.

He said: “I must prepare you for a significant custodial sentence.”

The case was adjourned for sentencing on Monday, December 12.