Work has started on a controversial supermarket development as a protest group announced it has given up its fight against the plans.

Demolition work is under way at the site of the former Spooner Factory in Railway Road, Ilkley, to make way for a Tesco superstore.

Permission for the superstore was granted by a planning inspector last September after an eight-day public inquiry and fierce opposition from campaign group Ilkley Residents Against Tesco Expansion (IRATE). But last night, one of the organisers said protesters had become tired of fighting the development and the group had folded.

Maura Peake said: “I think we were all a bit battle-weary after the defeat last year.

“I suppose IRATE has just naturally disbanded.”

However, some people living nearby the site of the new store say they are concerned about the demolition works and are worried about possible asbestos at the site.

Resident Fiona Whitaker, who lives nearby, said: “I am a concerned resident. They are demolishing the building and it is full of asbestos. Will it be safe for the residents around the area?”

Tesco was unavailable for comment, despite the T&A leaving repeated messages.

The firm has outline permission to transform the current store into an old people’s home and business units.