A Bradford fast food restaurant has been given temporary permission to open from 5am, but only on weekdays due to the potential effect on those living nearby.

Members of Bradford Planning Panel were split over the bid from McDonald’s over its Rooley Lane restaurant.

The venue has opened from 7am until midnight after successfully applying in 1999 to open an hour earlier than originally allowed. Applications in 2005 and 2008 to open from 6am were refused.

Yesterday’s decision means the onus will be on McDonald’s to prove those living nearby have not been adversely affected by the changes when it comes to applying for permanent approval in 12 months’ time.

Planners had initially advised councillors to allow the latest changes at a meeting last month. But after the decision was deferred to allow time for the Council’s environmental health to be consulted again, planning officers then recommended refusal.

They believed that, as the site is close to a number of homes, the earlier opening times would result in “significant harm” by way of “noise and general disturbance at unsociable hours”.

Despite a noise impact assessment indicating the sound from the equipment on the roof of the building is below the quietest background noise, councillors were particularly concerned about weekends, when the nearby M606 would not be as busy with traffic and therefore quieter.

Chairman of the panel, Councillor David Robinson, said: “We are not prepared to give seven days a week, but we are prepared to allow five days on a temporary basis.”

Councillor Roger L’Amie (Con, Baildon) said: “The onus will then be on the applicant to give evidence that it hasn’t disturbed residents.”

Deliveries will be restricted to between 7am and 9am.

A spokesman for McDonald’s said: “We will work with local residents to ensure they are not adversely affected by the change and our door remains open to anyone who has concerns about the impact of our business.”