A dedicated volunteer who has helped patients, staff and visitors at a Bradford hospital for three decades has been honoured with an award.

Doreen Varley, who turns 90 on December 9, started volunteering following her retirement from Grattan in 1981 and was the first member of the Friends of St Luke’s when they were formed by Eileen Beaumont in June that year.

Thirty years later, Mrs Varley, of Horton Bank Top, Bradford, has been presented with a long-service award by Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust chairman David Richardson to mark her tireless work.

“I never thought for a minute that when I started volunteering I would still be here 30 years later, but I am delighted to receive this recognition today,” said Mrs Varley.

“I don’t want people to thank me, I want to thank St Luke’s and all the volunteers and patients for the pleasure and friendships I have found here.”

Mrs Varley started by running a tea trolley service in the out-patients department, before moving on to support staff on ward A1. For the past 27 years, she has served hot drinks on the hospital’s tea bars. Every Friday morning she can still be found behind the counter of the Welcome Cuppa Cafe.

Mr Richardson, said: “For me, hospitals like St Luke’s would be much poorer places if we didn’t have the likes of Doreen working here.

“She is a shining example of everything that is good about Bradford and she is a fine role model for many of our younger volunteers who are starting out today.”

Read more on this story in today's T&A