A Bradford teenager is starring in a gripping television drama alongside some of Britain’s top acting names.

Aqib Khan, 17, made his acting debut in film comedy West is West and the young actor’s second role is in The Jury, a five-part series which has been running all week, concluding tonight.

The intense drama, focusing on members of a jury serving on the re-trial of a man accused of killing three women, stars Julie Walters, John Lynch, Steven Mackintosh and Ronald Pickup.

Aqib plays an autistic boy, Rashid, who is picked for jury service on his 18th birthday.

“His family are horrified because they think he’s too young, and because he has Asperger’s syndrome,” said Aqib. “Even going to the shop is a massive ordeal for him so being picked for jury service is a huge deal for him and his family.

“It’s a triple murder case, so even people without Asperger’s would have trouble dealing with their emotions. But a characteristic of autism is the ability to concentrate so he really embraces the case and it takes him on an interesting journey. He becomes more and more independent – it’s a story of boy to man.”

Aqib enjoyed the courtroom scenes and said the actors felt like a real jury.

“Some of the scenes were tough, it was a fantastic experience though and I learned a lot,” he said. “I don’t watch much TV and I’m not into the whole celebrity thing. I judge people on their performance and it was great working alongside such fantastic people. By watching the other actors working I found myself picking up tips.”

Aqib was 14 when he was picked from thousands of hopefuls to star in West is West, the sequel to hit British film East is East.

The Thornton Grammar School pupil was mobbed by fans when he attended a red carpet screening in Bradford earlier this year. “I was always quite outgoing at school and was involved with the drama department, so people said they weren’t surprised I ended up doing this,” said Aqib.

“When the makers of West is West were looking for actors they contacted some schools and my head of year asked me to audition. It was while I was filming West is West that I got the part in The Jury.

“I’m so grateful this has come about. It’s what I always wanted – well, this or being a footballer. Maybe the football dream was a bit far-fetched!”

  • The Jury finishes tonight on ITV1 at 9pm.