Hundreds of balloons will be released over the Leeds-Liverpool Canal by campaigners fighting a development of 400 homes in Bingley.

Greenhill Action Group (GAG) will hold the balloon race from 1pm on Easter Sunday as part of its fundraising drive for money to fight developers Redrow and Bellway’s plans to build the homes in Sty Lane, Micklethwaite.

Supporters of the campaign have bought tickets to attach their names and addresses to the balloons, and the balloon which travels the furthest wins the competition. Balloons will be on sale at GAG’s stall at Bingley Easter Market this Friday and Saturday.

Volunteers are needed to help publicise the cause after the developers submitted a new application. A previous application for 475 homes is being held in abeyance by Bradford Council.

Volunteers will work in shifts of an hour or an hour and a half from 8.45am to 4.45pm. For details, e-mail Mick Meares at mick.meares@blueyonder.