A well-kept secret meant that children at Yeadon Westfield Junior School returned from the Christmas holidays to a surprise imaginary world created by staff in the school hall.

The theme of ‘Unknown Lands’ incorporates areas of Ancient Eygpt, the Antarctic, the rainforest and underground – with its own cave and monster.

The hall has been draped from floor to ceiling and dressed with lighting, props and work that has been produced by the pupils.

Project co-ordinator Lisa Piotrowicz said: “It provides a unique experience for the children to enter an imaginary world which is used as a stimulus for work in all areas of the curriculum, such as drama in costume, research, art, history, geography and creative writing.”

Pictured peeping out to say hello are, from left, Beth Gregson, Hannah Naylor, Callum Greig with ‘Cleopatra’, teacher Hellen Swallow