A Bradford primary school has begun a scheme to help boys narrow the learning gap with girls.

Atlas Ambassadors, held by Atlas Community Primary School, Manningham, aims to encourage boys to recognise and boost their achievements.

Sixteen boys have been given a place on the Ambassadors programme, which will raise the profile of boys’ accomplishments throughout the school.

As part of the project, the boys will receive extra support from teachers and become ‘leaders of learning’.

Caroline Carr, acting head teacher, said: “We identified boys at our school who would benefit from a bit of an extra boost to raise their self-esteem. We hope the boys being part of this will give them aspirations and things to work on.

“Our school vision statement is ‘We believe in our children’. It’s really important that we encourage the boys so that they feel able to achieve more when they leave the school.”

Sam Done, deputy head teacher, said: “We want our students to become ‘leaders of learning’ so that they can be male role models for the rest of the school.”

Miss Carr said: “We invited local role models to come along to speak to the children, and it went extremely well. The children have been inspired and motivated by all our speakers.”

Some of the role models included the Lord Mayor of Bradford, Councillor Peter Hill, Bradford Bulls players James Donaldson and Dave Halley, professional boxers Eddie Meskrey and Tasif Khan, Bradford Police Community Support Officer Aiden Townsend, and the school’s chairman of governors, David Jones.

The pupils were excited by the visit of professional boxers to the school. Hassan Ul-Islam, ten, said: “It’s cool to meet the professionals.

“I like boxing because it’s good to do exercise, and boxing is a fun way, and it makes you strong.”

Mahmood Ammed, also ten, agreed. He said: “I’ve tried boxing before actually and I really liked it.

“It is fun to learn about something new at school.”