A female gatecrasher who smashed a teenager in the face with a bottle after she was thrown out of a party has been jailed for 21 months.

Emma Templeton, 23, attacked Nafeel Shazad as he tried to prevent a group of up to 20 people getting back into the property, Bradford Crown Court heard.

Mr Shazad, 18, was left permanently scarred and the sight in his left eye was damaged, prosecutor Richard Gioserano said yesterday.

Templeton, of West Bank Close, Braithwaite, Keighley, pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding on New Year's Eve last year.

Mr Gioserano said Templeton was escorted from the private party on Greenhead Lane, Keighley, after fighting with another woman.

She subjected her host to racial abuse and she and up to 20 people hung around outside.

She smashed a bottle into Mr Shazad’s face as he tried to fill a gap the crowd wanted to break in through.

His face was badly cut and a piece of glass had to be surgically removed from his eye. He still had blurred vision and was awaiting another operation, the court heard.

Mr Shazad was struggling to complete his training as a mechanic because of his injuries and he might not be able to drive in future.

Templeton had convictions for assault, robbery and criminal damage dating from when she was 13.

One offence involved her throwing a table leg through a window after she was refused entry to a house.

Her barrister, Shufqat Khan, said there had recently been a significant reduction in her offending.

She wanted to start a new life in the south of England.

Judge Peter Benson said Templeton had left Mr Shazad self-conscious and worried about scarring to his face.

“He thinks people will think he’s an aggressor, rather than an innocent victim of your drunken violence,” he said.