A Sutton couple will appear on television on St Valentine's Day to renew their wedding vows live to the nation.

Garry and Paula Hodgkinson will be one of 50 couples pledging their love and commitment at Blenheim Palace, after winning a television competition.

Paula, 36, said it was "wonderful" to be among those chosen by the GMTV judges.

She was just one of thousands of people across Britain who wrote to the competition organisers, telling them why they deserved to be selected.

She said: "We had to send a photo of ourselves and a letter or an e-mail.

"I didn't even tell Garry I'd done it to be honest, because I didn't think we'd win."

She said in mid-January they found out they had made it on to a short-list of 150 couples out of the 4,000 who entered.

They were told they were among the lucky winners on January 23.

Paula said: "I thought 'this isn't real' and couldn't believe it. I was absolutely speechless.

"Garry was really excited. He was jumping about and punching the air."

She and her husband have been married for 16 years but were separated for a while before getting back together.

"We have been through a lot but it all worked out," added Paula.

The couple, who also lived in Oakworth for many years, have two children, Ben, aged 14, and Chloe 11.

Garry, 42, manages M and G Stone Supplies, in Alkincote Street, Keighley.

Paula said they were rushing to prepare for the event on the morning of February 14 and had even had to buy two new wedding rings.

"Garry lost his ring two weeks after we got married," she said.

It went missing after he took it off at work to prevent it being damaged.

Her own original wedding ring has snapped in two.

She added that she was particularly delighted at the venue chosen for the event, as this would make the occasion very special.

"I've never been to Blenheim Palace before and after this I'll probably never go there again," added Paula.