The Olympic Games in London may only be six years away but already alarm bells are sounding in Bradford.

Bradford Airedale, the city's main athletics club, is ailing, and if it dies something will be needed to take its place so that the youngsters don't miss out on the chance to compete in the 2012 Games.

At the forefront of the bid to rectify

matters is Idle-based firefighter Steve Wolstenholme.

Employed part-time as the assistant

athletic development officer for West Yorkshire, he doesn't want to get under the noses of the more established local clubs.

Wolstenholme says: "Keighley and Craven Athletics Club and Bingley Harriers are doing great jobs but they are too far away geographically from the catchment areas I am targeting.

"London will be hosting the Olympic Games in six years' time, and the 14 and 15-year-olds of today will be in their

twenties in 2012 and possibly representing their country. But at the moment there is no provision for young people to train and compete at athletics in Bradford.

"This should be a concern for everyone in the area because it means that there are hundreds of youngsters in the city who are not being given the opportunity to develop their potential as athletes."

So what has happened so far to address the problem?

Wolstenholme explained: "I am working with four key upper schools - Tong, Yorkshire Martyrs, Hanson and Thornton - to set up after-school athletics clubs.

"These will be run by teachers and sixth-form students and will provide youngsters with introductory coaching sessions.

"But these athletes will then need to progress to the proper world of athletics coaching and competition, and this is why Bradford needs an athletics club."

So what needs to happen now?

Wolstenholme says: "Bradford already has good facilities at Horsfall Athletics Stadium and money is available from England Athletics to provide training for volunteers to become coaches.

"The new club would in essence be a 'schools athletic club'.

"The bottom line is the city needs to be able to offer its youth the opportunity

to participate in a major activity like


"Of course this is all going to depend on the people of Bradford. If not enough people volunteer then this will just not happen."

Wolstenholme added that the new club proposal has been approved by members of the Bradford Athletics Development Group, which includes members from all the major clubs in the Bradford area.

To try and help the new club get off the ground, Wolstenholme is holding a presentation evening in the gymnasium at Hanson School on Thursday at 8pm.

Anyone who cannot make it along on Thursday can contact Steve on 01274-631977 or e-mail him at