A Bradford businessman is calling for more police patrols after his shop was burgled twice in three nights.

Nabeel Hussain is set to fork out on extra security for his fast food takeaway, including a CCTV camera system and grilles for his doors and windows, after the break-ins.

His premises, Mob's Pizzas in Carlisle Road, Manning-ham, were targeted in the early hours of Saturday morning and again early on Monday. On both occasions the raiders forced their way in through a side window.

In the first raid the thieves took three charity boxes, each containing about £25, about £50 from the till and several cases of soft drinks.

Mr Hussain, 21, replaced the broken window but the raiders smashed it again on the second occasion and stole more drinks.

He said other businesses on the same stretch of road, including a wallpaper shop and a newsagents, had been burgled in recent months.

"It is frustrating," said Mr Hussain. "I am hoping to get a petition together with other residents to ask police for more patrols in the area. It's very rare we see police round here."

He added: "It is my first business. We have been here for two years and are making an honest living but this sort of thing knocks you back.

"I pay my taxes but we don't seem to get much back for it. I am not very happy.

"I am thinking of installing CCTV and putting up barriers at the doors and windows, but it all costs money.

"This sort of thing puts you off, but I am not one of those people who just gives up. I won't let them beat me.

"This is where I live and was brought up and we have never had problems before."

Inspector Bob Robinson, of the Bradford North Neighbourhood Policing Team, said burglaries did occur but they were not perceived as a particular problem in that area.

He said: "We are aware of all crimes and do follow them up with reassurance patrols in the area and crime prevention advice.

"If Mr Hussain has been burgled twice there may be something to follow up in terms of crime prevention and increased patrols.

"We would welcome any information from the public, which can be phoned through confidentially by ringing Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, or ourselves on 0845 6060606."

Insp Robinson advised property holders to be more vigilant as the dark nights approached about crime in general.

The advice included leaving lights on when out.