Two children were threatened at gunpoint by raiders who stole up to £10,000 after a Bradford Bulls charity cricket match.

Three masked men burst into Scholes Sports and Social Club shortly after closing time last night terrorising a female steward, a customer and his two sons, aged nine and 11.

The raiders, armed with a silver handgun, a hammer and a crowbar, demanded money and led the terrified group into the cellar where the woman was forced to open the safe.

Norman Russon, who organises events at the club, said the robbery had been terrifying for them.

A crowd of more than 2,000 people had earlier watched the match which was organised by club captain Robbie Paul for the players' fund which is supporting the club's chosen charity the Jack & Jill Foundation - an Irish charity that raises money for sick children. Mr Russon said: "It was chock-a-block all day with the queue for the bar stretching right across the room. The bar takings alone were about £4,500. It's probably the most we've ever taken in a day.

"We don't know whether these men saw how busy it was and decided to wait until most people had gone before they robbed the place. The steward is devastated by what has happened. But at least no one was injured."

The gang left with the weekend's takings -what could amount to £10,000.

"They've wiped us out," said Mr Russon.

"We asked the Bulls if they wanted to keep their takings from the entrance and barbecue in the safe as well but fortunately they took it with them."

Police have appealed for information about the robbery which happened at 11.15pm when most of the club's customers had left.

The steward was just locking up and about to walk home with the customer and his sons, who had waited for her, when they struck.

Two of the three robbers are thought to be Asian.

Anyone who can help should contact Dewsbury CID on (01924) 431085 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.