How well I remember the day, many years ago now.

While looking after our eldest grand daughter when she was 22 months old, the inevitable question "Why?" came when she was asked to do something she didn't want to!

"Because your Mummy said so" was my answer. It gave me a wonderful feeling of elation and release - I was no longer the Big Baddie; the spoiler of children's good ideas that were either naughty, dangerous or just not convenient at that particular moment.

As Christians we had taken care and prayer as we worked out our family rules - trying to major on the positive good that God had in mind for us, rather than negative don'ts.

Mum is usually the one who is around the most, and the one who is on the spot to enforce them.

I really enjoy being a Mum and a Granny but the 'policeman' side I didn't enjoy much, although I understood how vital it was for our children's good:

a) for their own health and safety and

b) that they would learn to be obedient to God.

As they grew they learned to discipline themselves - that was a joy to see; then we could say to them "Do whatever Jesus tells you." (John 2 verse 5).

Mary, that special woman who was chosen to be the mother of Jesus, said these words - what a wonderful way to build our families.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.