A petition demanding an end to development on greenfield sites in the Worth Valley will be considered by councillors tomorrow.

The petition, containing nearly 300 signatures, is to be presented to a full meeting of Bradford Council.

Campaigners say the Worth Valley has been targeted for major housing developments in the Unitary Development Plan.

They fear that will be compounded by possible development on additional sites identified under the Vacant Land Survey, including 11 in Oakworth.

Bradford's Unitary Development Plan has earmarked the Worth Valley as an area where a potential 1,400 homes can be built in the communities of Oxenhope, Oakworth and Haworth.

The three biggest sites are in the Race Moor Lane area of Oakworth, at Longlands in Cross Roads and off Occupation Lane, Oakworth, where there is potential for 150 homes on each site.

A spokesman for Bradford Council said the rest of the developments could be on smaller locations with a maximum of about 50 houses.

The petition is being submitted by Glen Miller, Tory candidate for the Worth Valley in next month's council elections.

He said: "We have got to make a stand on this issue. It is an act of reckless environmental destruction."

Worth Valley Labour councillor John Cope, chairman of the Keighley planning sub-committee, says it is unclear what precisely the petition is calling for.

He added: "As far as I understand it no land has been designated from the Vacant Land Survey, and if he is suggesting we rescind what is in the UDP, then we could face financial penalties which may affect what we spend on vital services such as education.

"I agree we want a better deal for Keighley and the Worth Valley, but we are better having a plan."

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