Paul Jewell writes: I said before the game that there were going to be twists and turns in the battle for promotion and it was certainly that on Saturday. I still believe it will go right to the wire.

One thing is for sure, we will not be giving up. That was evident at Loftus Road where, despite people writing us off, we bounced back. To be honest that is the way we like it.

There is nothing we can do about Ipswich so it was a welcome result. All we can do is get three points and hope for a massive bonus.

I could tell by the crowd's reaction that they must be losing and at 2-0 I thought we were comfortable. But I suppose it wouldn't be a Bradford City game if we didn't make it interesting late on.

I did not see the incident for the sending offs and I will have to look at the video.

It was pleasing to see the pre-worked free-kick pay off for the second goal. It is ironic, though, that up at Sunderland we did the same thing and Robbie Blake hit a fine shot and it went just over. This time he mishit it, but it paid off and Ashley Westwood grabbed the goal.

Wayne Jacobs twisted his knee, so we brought him off. I won't know how he is until later today. I thought Andy O'Brien did exceptionally well when he came on as a substitute.

I was pleased with the efforts of everyone and it was good to see Gordon Watson score.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.