Bradford Bulls prop forward Brian McDermott was today given an 80-hour community service order and ordered to pay £1,000 to a teenager he hit in the street.

The Great Britain Rugby League star had earlier been found guilty of causing 17-year-old David Gellan actual bodily harm in an incident in Leeds city centre in the early hours of October 6 last year.

At his trial, the court heard how the 29-year-old and a woman met Mr Gellan and a group of friends and asked if there was anywhere still open in the city at that time of night.

The prosecution alleged McDermott called one of Mr Gellan's friends a slut and pushed the woman he was with to the ground.

The prosecution said Mr Gellan told McDermott, of Aberford Road, Wakefield, not to speak to women in that way and was then punched in the face, knocking him to the floor.

Speaking in McDermott's defence, solicitor Sean Cluderay said his client claimed he had been the victim of an attack by people in Mr Gellan's group.

Mr Cluderay said: "It is right to say that with one exception, all those involved were in drink. Perhaps if they had all been sober the matter may have been resolved without incident or any assault."

He said that one of Mr Gellan's group said that Mr Gellan grabbed McDermott, a former Royal Marine, by the shirt while remonstrating with him over his use of language. He added: "It was, perhaps, not a prudent thing for him to have done."

Mr Cluderay said McDermott was not a person likely to re-offend and character witnesses portrayed him in a totally different light to the court proceedings.

The court heard that when interviewed McDermott said he could not remember very much of what happened but he told them: "All I remember doing is assuming a coiled-up position and getting a good kicking."

When he was charged with the offence by the police he said: "You are charging the wrong man."

The court heard Mr Gellan was taken to Leeds General Infirmary where he had stitches in his lip and gum. He paid several visits to a dental hospital because some of his teeth were loosened by the blow.

Before passing sentence, chairman of the bench David Kaye told McDermott: "We accept that your actions are out of character. We have read the letters of reference and taken into account the fact that you give your team freely by regular visiting Bradford hospitals and because of that the number of hours will be 80."

As well as the £1,000 McDermott was ordered to pay £150 costs to Mr Gellan.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.