Business adviser Mr Hurlow, 39, who has two children, cut out a range of foods including soya, beans, cabbage and cow's milk from his diet after a chance meeting with staff at the York Nutritional Laboratory.

His wife, Irene, a child minder, said: "The change in him is nothing short of astounding. Within a week of starting the new diet I noticed a massive difference.

"Before, he was generally miserable and short-tempered and pretty difficult to live with."

She added their two children Rebecca and Kate used to get on his nerves but now he is always thinking of things they can do as a family.

"It is a welcome change and life is much sweeter as a result. I certainly prefer the new Tony to the old one," said Mrs Hurlow.

In his role as a business adviser, Mr Hurlow was at the York laboratory doing export work when he came across John Graham, an adviser at the laboratory.

"John was telling me of the benefits some people can have by changing their diets. He reeled off a few symptoms and I thought to myself, yes, I've got those. He recommended that I have a few tests done."

After a lot of persuasion, he went through with the tests in January. The results showed that he should change his diet by cutting out certain foods while others he has to rotate on a five-day basis. But he isn't allowed to eat chocolate or cheese at all.

His eczema cleared up within days, his energy levels were boosted and seven months later his irritable bowel, migraines and eczema have all disappeared. Even his asthma is much improved and he has also lost weight.

"I feel like a completely different man. I was sceptical about the test but my health was so bad that I thought it was worth the investment if it could lead to a better quality of life. It's the best decision I have ever made.

"I used to suffer from a serious lack of energy. I was regularly in bed before 10pm and still had great difficulty getting up the next morning. Now I often go to bed after the late film and rise at 6.30am.

And he added he was now a much nicer person. "I feel that it is not just a case of having rid myself of various complaints but that I am a nicer personality as a result of excluding these foods."

Mrs Hurlow added: "Now he has much more time and energy for the kids. Now he has so much energy we have joined a folk dance group."

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