MOS remain on top of the Premier Division in The Target Sunday Night League at Yeadon's On-The-Ball soccer centre.

MOS hammered Rawdon Old Boys 10-0 with Brendan Larkin netting two superb goals. Experience Mix and Chernobyl drew 6-6 in an entertaining but often ill-tempered game. Chernobyl drew level with seconds remaining. Adam Tye was Mature Cheddar's Man-of-the-Match in their 4-1 win over Black Bull while 5-Alive defeated Spartak 7-3 with Khan giving a strong performance.

In the First Division Deportivo lead the way after a 10-3 win over Wharfedale Wanderers. FC Ings beat BJ'S 3-0 while Real Rawdon beat Real Klip 7-3. Galatasaray were too strong for Victoria United winning 9-0.

Second Division table toppers East Bowling hammered McDonalds 13-2 and look champions elect already. There was a shock defeat for All Stars when they went down 4-3 to Claim That Then. T's Troopers beat Aireborough 7-5 and Whiskey Wanderers beat Leyton Sunday 3-2.

Skylark Superstars lead the Thursday night Sportshoes Unlimited League. They beat Alan Partridge Experience 8-1 wiht father and son Brendan and Cory Larkin scoring all the goals as Bruce Bannister hits a barren patch.

Athletico Wibsey beat Deportivo 3-1 while Otters Crotch beat Mighty Spurs 4-2 with D Tye an inspirational captain.

Yodi Crew beat Misfitz 5-3 and Dumpy Taverners beat Alchoholics Anonymous 5-0 with 49 year-old Terry Shuttleworth hitting a hat-trick.

On-The-Ball are looking for teams for a Tuesday night league and anyone interested can contact Cory on 0113 2500099.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.