Families of two men who fought in World War One are being sought so their service medals can be returned.

Eastburn women Eileen Smith came across the medals in a box in her loft - and has no idea how they got there. "I can only think my father was asked to buy them - as this was the sort of thing he did.

"They have no value to me, sentimental or otherwise, and I would like them to go back to the soldier's families."

The medals are numbered and named: '48089 1AM W.E.Verity RAF' and '187488 SPR T.Wheetman RE.' The bar to Sapper Wheetman's medal is missing but the other one is intact.

If you think that you're related to either of the servicemen, or know any surviving family members, please get in touch with Kevin Hopkinson at the KN on 606611 ext 231.

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