YOU could have believed Langcliffe's millennium carnival had taken place in the Mediterranean if the weather was anything to go by.

Glorious sun shone down on the carnival, held on the village green, bringing the crowds flocking in.

There was a variety of floats, with Langcliffe Primary School winning first prize for their entry depicting Victorian School Days, and the fancy dress entrants were judged by Sheila and Brian Longrigg.

The procession toured the village headed by the Giggleswick and Settle Brass Band and then the crowds watched as new carnival princess Holly Craige was crowned by retiring princess Stephanie Todd. Holly then officially opened the event.

Attractions included a display by Craven Gym Club, and brass band music throughout the afternoon. There were plenty of stalls, while the children had the choice of games and swings. The Langcliffe Millennium exhibition was also on display.

Children's sports were followed by the fell race with young Matthew Hurst running a courageous race in the boys junior event, gaining second place in 11 minutes two seconds despite hurting his ankle. A special prize was given to Joseph Stevenson, aged five, who unofficially entered the race by running after the pack and finished the course! The day ended with the five-a-side football finals.

RESULTS. Fell race. Juniors: boys - 1 David Shepherd, 10.40, 2 Matthew Hurst, 11.02, 3 Tom Rodgers, 11.27; girls - 1 Kirsty Waite, 14.34; seniors - 1 Gary Taylor, Darwen Dashers, 22.04, 2 Paul Targett, Clayton-le-Moors, 22.10, 3 Andy Holden, Hellifield, 22.37; ladies - 1 Lynne Whitaker, Hellifield, 34.02. Five-a-side football, semi final - Settle 0 Austwick 1, Long Preston 1 Hellifield 0; final - Long Preston 2 Austwick 0. Children's sports, under fives: boys - 1 Dominic Rawkin, 2 Timmy Bailey, 3 Cameron Fawcett; girls - 1 Ellik Homberstone, 2 Rebecca Waite, 3 Emily Gill; under seven: boys - 1 Joseph Stevenson, 2 Sam Millar, 3 Ben Housten; girls - 1 Flora Harrison, 2 Lauren Curly, 3 Zoe Barnes; under 10: boys - 1 Gareth Taylor, 2 John Carr, 3 Josh Harrison; girls - 1 Martha Carling, 2 Polly Marchesi, 3 Amy Wilson; under 15: boys - 1 Stephan Jensen, 2 Michael Loughun, 3 Shaw Airey; girls - 1 Jo Airey, 2 Jemma Shea, 3 Sophie Holdsworth. Three-legged race, under 10 - 1 Jack and Harry Drake, 2 Ben Rodgers and Jonathan Bullock, 3 Josh Harrison and Zak Hargreaves; under 15 - 1 Michael Loughun and Lawrence Wilson, 2 Shaw Airey and Ryan Preston, 3 Jo Airey and Nichola Baker. Fancy dress, five and under: comic - 1 Jessica Jubb, 2 Cicely Clay, 3 William Lawson; original - 1 Rebecca Waite, 2 Hannah Clay, 3 Phoebe Guarducci; special prize - Lauren Hill; six to 10: comic - 1 Jordan Moore, 2 Marie Hutchinson, 3 Stacey Barnes; original - 1 Sophie Holdsworth, 2 Kimberley Hutchinson, 3 Zoe Barnes; 11 to 15 - 1 Paigan Gray; group - 1 Wizard of Oz, Liam Swanson, Hazel Bullock, Vanessa Bullock, Nat Bullock, 2 Street Urchins, Oliver Fawcett, Cameron Fawcett, Harry Drake, Jack Drake, Sam Millar; floats - 1 Langcliffe Primary School; visiting queens - 1 Ribblesdale Caravan Club, 2 Long Preston; Watershed Mill Shield for poster competition - Andrew Jeffries.

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