Name game was a waste of time

SIR - On July 10 a new medical centre here in Wilsden is due to open on land adjoining Wellington Road, Farndale Road and Crooke Lane.

Earlier this year Bradford Council wrote to Wilsden Village Society asking for suggestions for a name for the road by which entry was made. With the consent of the former owners of the land on which the new premises are built, the name "Bower Field" was submitted to the Council.

However, all patients have been notified of the opening and the name by which it will be known "Ling Bob Court" - this notification coming from the medical practice.

The directive as to name has come from Bradford Council.

It would seem apparent that people have wasted their time thinking of names when obviously it had already been decided by the Council.

"Ling Bob Court" would have been more appropriate for the site originally selected for the new centre as the present site is some distance from the Ling Bob area.

N H Barwick, Kingston Close, Wilsden.

Still waiting...

SIR - Recently there was an article in the T&A extolling the virtues of First Bradford bus services. I would like to mention that several weeks ago I filled in a questionnaire from Metro Bus Services, Leeds, asking for comments on services, etc.

I wrote suggesting that the 640 bus (Buttershaw/Shipley) could be diverted down Pullan Avenue/ Victoria Road instead of using the very narrow Stonehall Road. This would give a much-needed service for local residents, and still provide a half-hour service on both routes, without any extra funding.

Metro replied promptly saying my letter had been forwarded to First Bradford, and to contact them if I did not receive a reply (which I didn't).

I wrote to Leeds again on May 15 and had a prompt reply. My letter has again been forwarded to First Bradford, but this has been ignored. As a last hope I wrote direct to First Bradford on June 1, and yes you've guessed it - no reply.

G D Whitaker, Pullan Avenue, Bradford 2.

Brendon Jones, Marketing officer of First Bradford, said: "Firstly, I would like to convey my apologies for the delay in response to Mr Whitaker. I can confirm our customer services team has now replied in writing to Mr Whitaker on his suggestion of re-routing the 640 service.

"I regret that the 640 service does not currently fulfil Mr Whitaker's requirements but after further consideration of his alternative proposal, we are of the commercial opinion that to operate the service as suggested would greatly disbenefit our existing customers living in the communities of Stonehall Road and Eccleshill Village. Therefore we are unable to implement Mr Whitaker's proposal at this time.

"Please be assured that we will continue to re-examine our services wherever possible to bring the maximum benefit to our customers."