Drivers and disabled passengers have hit out at plans to privatise a community bus service.

The AccessBus service, which transports hundreds of immobile people around the district, is run by Bradford Council.

But from October, the contract awarded by the West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive (Metro), will be taken over by Bradford coach operator TLC Travel.

Barry Smith, who has worked on the fleet of nine AccessBuses for nearly three years, said drivers would have to re-apply for their jobs and claimed wages would be slashed by £1.85 per hour.

He said: "All the passengers know my face and we help them with their shopping and putting on their coats. The people that are going to suffer are the passengers. Metro is putting pounds before people."

Sixty-eight-year-old Jean Town, of Little Horton, Bradford, who uses the service regularly, said she was sickened at the way the drivers had been treated.

She said: "They're the last people it should happen to. Last week, a driver went to a house and there was no reply and she was so concerned. Not many people would have gone to the trouble she did."

The Council is now making representations to the company as it believes the employees are covered by TUPE legislation (transfer of undertaking of protection employment) which aims to protect the pay and conditions for staff under new management.

A Metro spokesman said it was normal process to renew contracts.

She said: "A detailed appraisal of the tender bids was carried out and the contract was awarded to TLC Travel Ltd. We are confident they will continue to provide the excellent service that we expect for our AccessBus users."

Director of TLC Travel Patricia Lambert confirmed wages would be cut but added they would be in line with pay in the industry.

She said: "I can understand the concerns of the drivers at Bradford Council but at the end of the day it's always been a fixed-term contract. Our managers have more than 50 years experience of operating in the public and private sectors and we are confident we can provide a good service."

e-mail: suzy.poole@