Bradford schools are to forge stronger links with the community, thanks to Government cash.

Two projects have won £20,000 of funding through the Partners for Study Support grant scheme, which aims to motivate students through outside activities and to raise achievement in the classroom.

Pupils at St Columba's Catholic Primary School and health and social care GNVQ students at Yorkshire Martyrs Catholic College are to learn about healthier lifestyles from staff at the new Highfield health centre in Tong Street.

The second project will link youngsters from Ingrow, Oldfield, Laycock and Oxenhope primary schools with local Brownie and Guide units. Education officers are now planning to bid for more cash to develop a hi-tech study centre at the Bradford Bulls ground to encourage young people through the rugby club and its players.

Bradford Council was the only authority in the country to win funding for two out-of-hours learning projects. Executive member for education, Councillor David Ward, said it was good news that officers had been able to attract the funding.

"I am sure that pupils will benefit from these projects as they will help to give them a more rounded view of their communities and the world as a whole," he said.

The complete list of the 130 successful projects was due to be launched by the education and employment minister Malcolm Wicks today.

Mr Wicks said: "The projects will boost children's motivation and build their self-confidence through activities such as writing a community newsletter or taking part in environmental work.

"Fun activities like these which happen out of school hours can help raise achievement back in the classroom and prepare pupils for the world of work."