Assistant cub leader Christine Weston's determination to send her pack on a camp went to her head. Christine had her head shaved to raise money for a Scout camp in the Isle of Man.

Cubs, parents and friends gathered to watch Christine's son cut off her thatch so she could raise more than £300 for the appeal.

Christine has been assistant leader at the 8th Keighley (Cross Roads) Cub pack for about 12 years. She decided to become a cut above the rest as her contribution to the group's fundraising to help send several Scouts on their first overseas camp next year.

Mark Pullen, the group Scout leader, says the Cubs were delighted to see the result of their leader's close shave.

"It was an extraordinary thing to do to raise money to help send the lads to camp. She has set a tremendous example to the whole of the Scout movement.

"The Cubs are making all kinds of jokes but like us they are ever so proud of her."

Christine, above left, before the cut, right, during and, top, after, with Cubs Gordon Haworth and Adam Rooney.