A DOZEN worried residents filed into Pool Village Hall to express their concerns about two proposed housing developments in the village.

At Pool Parish Council's meeting on Monday evening, residents said that plans to demolish Monkman's Bistro with Beds and build nine houses on the site - revealed by the Wharfedale Observer last week - were unacceptable.

And they also criticised plans by Consort Homes for nine homes near the village hall off Arthington Lane, claiming they were not in keeping with the rest of the village.

Parish councillor Vivienne Whittle, who had surveyed residents near the Monkman's site, said that a residential development was largely unopposed but there were concerns about the closeness of the development boundary to existing houses, especially in Pool Bank Court.

"There is one house in particular that is affected - the boundary is one, possibly two metres away from it and there are obvious concerns there, " she said.

Councillor Ailsa Bearpark added: "To convert the existing building into apartments would be more sympathetic. I don't think there is any more demand for five-bedroom houses in Pool."

Parish councillors' objections to the Monkman's site included inappropriate design, the demolition off a visually significant and important building and historic cellars and an unnecessary 1.8m high fence overlooking New Pool Bank. They have already asked for the building to be listed.

They also objected to the inappropriate design and size of the proposed Arthington Lane development.