THE organisers of a Christmas lights appeal are hoping that a generous grant will not switch off others off from

contributing funds.

The recent donation of £8,000 to the appeal by supermarket chain Tesco's heralded an upturn in the fortunes of Ilkley's Christmas Festivities Committee.

But after celebrations died down, committee member Lexa Robinson, chairman of Ilkley Parish Council, said she hopes the news will not encourage a bah humbug attitude in the usual


Coun Robinson, told a meeting of the parish council: "We hope that our

long-standing people that have given donations over the years will still give this year.

"This is so important because despite the grant we will still desperately need their help financially to help with the cost of the existing as well as the new lights."

The committee says that funds will still be stretched as all lights must now be tested as befitting European safety regulations.

Pea lights bought last year are also unusable and several features are beyond repair.

Coun Michael Lynes suggested that the committee contact Bradford Council for a one-off grant to match the donation by Tesco's.

But Coun Robinson said this was a futile move.She said: "We have tried for an increase but we cannot have it. Bradford are having to cut back also this year."

Coun Lynes referred to the number of lights used in the centre of Bradford for Asian festivities and said he did not believe that the city council would cut back.