Children as young as five in Spen Valley schools could be taught sex education because teenage pregnancy rates in Kirklees are above the national average.

The council has appointed two sex- education liaison workers to visit secondary schools and develop material on sex and relationships to send to primary schools. But opinion on the initiative is split. Council leader Councillor Kath Pinnock said: "Some young girls are becoming pregnant at a very early age - 12 or 13. We need to start early with the information and discussion so people are equipped to deal with these issues.

"As long as the information is gradually built on as they get older, and not released all at once, it is a good idea. We have to empower boys and girls to make decisions about their sexual activity in a responsible way."

But Coun Robert Light (Birkenshaw and Birstall, Con) said he would not want sex education taught to primary-aged children. "I have an eight-year-old son and would hate to think anything like that was being taught. The innocence of children has already been taken away by society. There is a need to make sure teenagers are aware of the obvious dangers of pregnancy at that age, but primary school age is too young."

There is a wide variation of teenage pregnancy within Kirklees, with some wards having higher rates than others. These coincide with the highest rates of social deprivation locally.

Members of the social affairs and health management board will meet on Wednesday to discuss the issue and consider supporting the work planned.