Joinery giant Magnet is shedding around 40 jobs.

The Royd Ings Avenue, Keighley, company blames the job losses on internal reorganisation and the introduction of new technology.

It says the redundancies will be across manufacturing, retail and administration departments.

A spokesman said: "The redundancies are throughout the business and include posts in Keighley. The consultation period does not end until March 30, and we are currently seeking volunteers.

"Magnet employs 2,500 people throughout the UK and operates in increasingly competitive markets, which require us to review overhead costs regularly. Every effort will be made to maintain employment for people affected by offering them other suitable opportunities within the company as they arise."

Several employees scared about their future with Magnet have contacted the Keighley News to voice their concerns.

One worker -- who did not want to be named for fear of reprisals -- said: "As a concerned employee I find it annoying that a company of Magnet's size should be applying for Investors in People status when it has just announced redundancies throughout the group. Over the past few years we have seen the workforce at the Keighley site reduced by almost a half.

"What future is there for Magnet in Keighley, is it to become one big distribution centre or is it to close like all the other major employers in the town?"