THE crisis has hit a traditional dawn service at Farnhill Pinnacle.

Christians have gathered for worship at the spot every Easter Day for the past 17 years.

But this year, due to footpath closures, worship instead will take place at Glusburn Park.

The service, organised by the South Craven Methodist Circuit, will begin at 6am. Tea and hot cross buns will be served afterwards at Cross Hills Methodist Church. People from all denominations are invited to take part.

The Rev Mollie Greenwood said: "As we are not able to climb up to the Pinnacle because of foot and mouth, we will meet at Glusburn Park. From the high vantage point of the park, there is a good view looking east towards the rising sun."

Anyone wishing to take along a musical instrument should contact Mrs Christina Thompson, on 01535 653538, by Sunday.