Residents in Frizinghall will have a council information point on their doorstep from now on.

An officer from the Shipley Information Centre will be on duty in the foyer of Frizinghall Primary School between 9am and noon every Wednesday during term time to deal with people's questions and concerns.

Bradford Council decided to launch the outreach information service after a need for one was identified at Neighbourhood Forums and through discussions with the school's headteacher Pauline Chilvers.

As well as information about a range of council services people will be able to find about Job Centre vacancies, pick up DSS leaflets and passports to leisure and find out more about local clubs and other organisations.

Councillor David Herdson (Con, Shipley West), chairman of the council's Shipley Area Panel, said: "We hope people will go along with any queries they may have.

"Information officers will try to answer all queries and if they cannot help will refer people to an organisation that can.

"The information points in Denholme, Menston, Cottingley, Burley-in-Wharfedale and Crosley Woods at Bingley are all well used and I hope this new one at Frizinghall will be too.''