TRAFFIC islands and street lights have been called for to improve safety on Bramhope's roads.

Bramhope Parish Council have been in discussions with the Highways Agency over the building of an extra pedestrian refuge on the busy A660 Leeds Road. The parish council asked for a new island on the bend in the road near to the entrance of the Posthouse hotel. However, agency officers said it would be unsafe to place the island near a double bend in the road.

Meanwhile, Leeds City Council highways department officers say they will be able to provide four new street lights for the village. Two of the lights are expected to be placed on Tredgold Avenue and the other two on Longmeadows.

l Bramhope Primary School is holding its Auction of Promises on Saturday, to raise money towards a new IT suite and library area for pupils. Thanks to more than 100 donations from businesses, parents and pupils, the school has drawn up A to Z of the 'lots' on offer, starting with attractions - for which there are more than 30 sets of tickets - to a zoo trip.

Other items for sale include a day at the races, a week-long stay at a holiday cottage, tickets to the Great Yorkshire Show and a make-over.

The event will take place at the school, on Tredgold Crescent, Bramhope, on Saturday May 12 at 7.30pm.

Tickets are available from the school office, or visitors can pay at the door. Admission is £1, to include a glass of wine.