Glusburn County Primary School Nursery was invaded by teddy bears on Wednesday for the annual teddy bears' picnic.

The 24 nursery children each brought in their own teddy bear to join in the fun. The morning's activities were all based on the theme of teddies with jigsaws and indoor games being the first activities of the day.

The children then moved outside where the teddy bears joined in games. The traditional picnic ended the morning.

The programme was then repeated for the afternoon group. This one-off day ensures all educational needs are met at the same time as allowing the children to have fun.

Places at the nursery are available to children who live in the Craven area and not just to those who live in Cross Hills and Glusburn or who are intending to continue their education at the school.

For more information contact the school on 01535 632145.

Bringing the bear necessities to their picnic,(above) Glusburn Primary School nursery children Misha Boreham and Peter Stoney, both four.