All three Wharfedale teams at Grove Hill Tennis Club, Otley, have managed to progress into the next round of The Molly Fawcett Cup. The A team had a comfortable victory against Crosshills B with Dave and Carol Cherry losing only one game in five sets. The B team had an impressive start overcoming Gargrave B, who play in a higher division, after a countback on games, they won by 55 games to 50. The C team enjoyed an excellent victory against Bailey Hills B with a scoreline of 6.5-2.5. This was a closer match than this score suggests.

In the A Team were Dave and Carol Cherry, John and Penny Hunt, Richard Elliot, Georgina Jackson and Janet Craven.

The first game of the season against Ilkley at home had to be cancelled due heavy rain. The next match was a tough encounter with Heaton A on a warm sunny evening. They fielded an experienced, capable side that produced some very consistent play to defeat Grove Hill 2.5 - 6.5. Only Georgina Jackson and Richard Elliot maintained sufficient resistance to halve all three of their rubbers.

The following week Grove Hill played at Heaton, this time against their B team who were almost as strong as the A team! It was a very close competitive match with many long rallies. Dave Cherry playing with Janet Craven forced three tie breaks but they were unlucky not to win any of them. With the light failing and the score at 4-3 to Grove Hill, the final two rubbers were played indoors. Georgina Jackson and Richard Elliot just lost 7-5, so everything rested on the final rubber. Dave and Janet redeemed themselves and drew the rubber to secure a draw overall in the match. Grove Hill B Team players were Val Cox, Lynne Ashworth, Margaret Sanders, Madeline Parfitt, Robin Fry, Dave Lewis, Phil Crook Dan Hurst, Nick Berry, Gerry Firth, Steve Norfolk and Steve Reed.

The first league game of the season was at Crosshills against their B team. It was a very mixed match which swung from marathon tie breaks to 6-0 games. In the dying light Grove Hill managed to overcome them and win by 5.5 to 3.5.

The next match was played against Tranmere C on a lovely warm Saturday afternoon at home. After four hours of sustained hard play a draw was achieved which on the balance of play, was a fair result.

At Salts the weather conditions certainly did not favour the tennis. It was blowing a gale and tennis balls were flying everywhere, usually ending up on court one where Gerry Firth and Lynne Ashworth put up a good fight.

Unfortunately Nick Berry hurt his back during the first rubber, played gallantly on through the second but had to throw in the towel for the third. After an exhausting evening Grove Hill lost 2.5-6.5.

The final match of the month was held at Austwick. Here the elements were quite fickle - a head on wind which blew intermittently, showers of fine drrizle and bright sunshine. This made the courts rather slippery and a few players ended up on their backs.

It was a very close match, which could have gone either way but in the end Grove Hill lost 3.5-5.5. Grove Hill C players were Linda Smith, Mary Booker, Carol Stephenson, Hilary Dove, Barbara Lewis, Madeline Parfitt, Mike Peart, Ron Drake, Dave Lewis, Dan Hurst, Richard Sharpe and Richard Elliot.

The first league game of the season was at Beckfoot on the shale courts. Unfortunately vital points seemed to elude Grove Hill at times, but they did put a strong challenge against a very good Beckfoot B team. The final score was 1-8.

In the North Leeds Medley League players were Dave Cherry, Robin Fry, John Hunt, Richard Elliot, James Booker, Steve Norfolk, Richard Sharpe, Hilary Dove, Janet Craven, Carol Cherry and Penny Hunt.

The Medley team has also progressed in the Medley Cup competition winning against St Chad's. This was despite rather inclement weather conditions - heavy showers. The match was started outside, but then relocated indoors to the Carnegie Regional Tennis Centre.

Full credit must be given to Hilary Dove and Janet Craven who after rehydrating never gave up in the ladies doubles, even at 1 - 6 they battled back to draw at 6-6.

In the league the Medley team remain unbeaten after four matches. This is despite the fact that there have been team changes due to the departure of two key players. New inclusions Robin Fry, Steve Norfolk and Richard Sharpe have all played well.

In the first match the opposition Pool were rather rusty since for them this was an early start to the season and this did reflect in the eventual scoreline of 8-1 to Grove Hill. Only the hard hitting Jonjo managed to make any impression against Grove Hill.

The next match at Kirkstall was a very close encounter with Grove Hill losing both the ladies and a mens doubles. But then they managed to recover sufficiently in the mixed to win 5-4.

Against Alwoodley the match was a rather prolonged affair due to the fact that one of their players was delayed and the sheer persistence of one of their ladies.

The match finished at 10.20pm and the final score was 7.5 - 1.5 with Alwoodley securing three draws (8-8) due to long rallies and consistent play on their part.

In the final league match of the month Adel were unable to field a team so Grove Hill got a walkover.

In the Yorkshire Men's Division the Grove Hill team players were Richard Elliot, Eric Dabill, John Hunt, Dave Cherry, Robin Fry and Phil Crook.

Their first match of the season was held on a very hot sunny Sunday morning against local rivals Ilkley. It was more like a Grove Hill old boys match with two of Ilkley's team former members of Grove Hill (Youssaf Khan and Pete McCann).

Their inside knowledge of both the courts and the Grove Hill team paid off as they both exploited these factors.

Richard and Eric were unlucky to halve each of their matches, whilst John and Dave managed to beat the third couple but then halved the final rubber, Phil and Robin were less successful. The final result was a defeat for Grove Hill 3 - 6.

Ben Rhydding Tennis

The Harrogate league team have followed their first win of the season with an emphatic win away at Thirsk 8-1. In the same week the Wharfedale league team had an excellent win over Austwick 'A' 61/2-21/2.

The grass courts are in excellent condition; prospective members and visitors are welcome to join the club members for social tennis any Sunday afternoon.

Details from the secretary 01943 608193

Dynamo AGM

GUISELEY Dynamo Junior Football Club will hold their annual meeting in the clubrooms at Shaw Lane on July 16 ( 7 pm). Training continues through the summer at Horsforth School for Under-6,7,8,0 and 10s. New members are always welcome at this and training for the older age groups which starts again shortly. Ring Angela on 0113 2500929 for details.