The warts-and-all details of Lord Ouseley's Bradford District Race Review are now starting to sink in.

There is unlikely to be a single person in the Bradford district who has been spared the details of this report, which paints a picture of a divided city in the grip of fear.

No matter how uncomfortable its contents might make the district's leaders and inhabitants feel, it cannot afford to be brushed aside.

Nor can we spend endless weeks and months reflecting with sadness on its contents. It certainly cannot be allowed to be treated in the same way as the Bradford Commission Report into the 1995 riots, which was largely ignored.

The only way for Bradford to pull itself back to normality, to heal its wounds, is for it to step forward and begin to take action on the back of Lord Ouseley's recommendations.

We all know that there will be no overnight miracles when it comes to helping the city turn the corner.

But we need to see that something is happening and for that lead we must look to Bradford Vision - the organisation which has responsibility for delivering the actions detailed in the review.

Bradford Vision has a huge task on its hands besides dealing with this damning report - it has to promote the district, co-ordinate neighbourhood regeneration and bring in investment.

No matter how daunting that task may seem, we must, before long, see a practical, realistic action plan outlining how Lord Ouseley's recommendations will be delivered and then we must see it swiftly implemented.