QUAKER friends of Menwith Hill protesters are calling on sympathisers to write to Tony Blair and American president George Bush.

The ten strong Quaker group in Otley has already written to the Prime Minister and Mr Bush and has pledged to do all it can to help its Quaker colleagues.

Otley members Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy, of The Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB), have vowed to fight at all costs Mr Bush's controversial National Missile Defence System (NMD) - of which the listening station will be a part.

They say NMD, dubbed Son of Star Wars, will place Otley and the surrounding area into the firing line and put world peace in danger.

Now they say they are 'living under concern' which requires their Quaker colleagues in Otley to do what they can to help.

Joanna Guise, co-clerk of The Religious Society of Friends in Otley, said it was rare but not unheard of for modern Quakers to take such a step.

In the past, Quakers have made slavery and the death penalty subjects for 'living under concern'.

As well as practical and moral support, the Quakers in Otley will be holding a prayer meeting on Saturday, August 4 (2-3pm) outside the main entrance to the Menwith Hill base.

The group can also call Anni and Lindis off their campaign for a respite - if they feel it is getting too much for them.

Both Anni Rainbow and Lindis Percy have already appeared in court for their direct action

campaigning at Menwith Hill.

In letters sent at the end of May to Mr Blair and Mr Bush, the group writes that it believes American bases such as Menwith Hill are entirely unaccountable to British political processes.

And it calls on the leaders to stop the NMD. "We call on you to do all you can to stop the development of this project and to promote and develop lines of mediation to resolve international conflicts peaceably, avoiding the current need to settle matters of dispute through violence and war," says the letter.

"While we are opposed to any preparation for war, the fact that this development is taking place in this country, and this county - at Menwith Hill and Fylingdales - hurts us all the more."

So far, only Mr Blair's office has replied to the group. The letter from 10 Downing Street thanks the group for feeling able to share their concerns with the Prime Minister.

It adds that the letter will be forwarded to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.

l On Tuesday in Otley Market Place the Mayor, Councillor Philip Coyne and Coun John Eveleigh, collected names for an anti- Menwith Hill petition to send to Tony Blair.

Coun Eveleigh said people were becoming more aware of the potential dangers posed by Menwith Hill.

"We've had a very good response to the petition, only a couple of people have refused to sign it.

"The petition will go to Tony Blair and will probably be delivered by Harold Best MP. We want to urge the government to turn down any request that might come from America to develop NMD."

Coun Eveleigh said protest was ever more urgent following last weekend's first testing of NMD.