A farmer has warned about opening up footpaths in the Skipton area before foot and mouth is wiped out.

Simon Foster, who lost 230 cattle and 1,200 sheep in a contiguous cull, said allowing walkers on the fells would still be dangerous because the cause of the spread was still unknown.

Mr Foster, of Calton near Skipton, is setting up a Heart of Yorkshire group, the organisation spearheaded in Devon by TV celebrity Noel Edmonds.

Branches have been established throughout the country to give a united voice to farmers and rural businesses.

Mr Foster said: "We have a one-mile stretch of the Pennine Way through our land towards Malham. There are also another eight farms on that route.

"It doesn't take a genius to imagine how the disease could spread if it was being carried."

l A meeting of the Heart of Cumbria group is to be held in Penrith on Friday July 27 in the rugby club from 7pm. A coach is to leave Skipton at 5pm. People interested in booking a seat should telephone (01756) 794628.