Plans for an £8 million glass-walled shopping and leisure centre on the Rawson Market demolition site were unveiled by developers today.

Artist's impressions of the Rawson Quarter show a two-storey development with a seven-unit food court, eight shopping units and a department store on the ground floor.

The upper level will contain the top floor of a department store and leisure facilities. A glass canopy roof will cover the streets and spaces within the site.

Developers Chartback Limited have submitted a planning application to Bradford Council for the project which will include restaurants and an area for performing arts.

There will also be caf bars and a food court in the development which will include the Grade II listed Rawson Hotel.

The developers say they hope to start work next Spring with a view to opening the centre for the public in 2003.

A spokesman for the developers said: "It will be a truly diverse scheme, representing traders and flavours from many different countries and communities. Visitors might find Thai and Indonesian cuisine alongside a Turkish rug-maker as well as high quality foods, goods and clothing from South Asia.

"This is a very exciting development for Bradford, which shows our faith in the city as a significant player in the retail, leisure and tourism sectors.

"Our goal is to provide a unique and innovative retail experience, which can be closely linked to, and benefit from, the historic and modern cultural patterns of Bradford."

The existing fish market on the site is being relocated to a new refurbished space in John Street Market and the empty area will be converted into shops. The developers say shops in John Street and James Street will be retained but will be given a modern, glazed canopy.

Bradford Council's executive committee member for the economy Councillor Simon Cooke said: "The development of the Rawson Market site is an important element in the revitalisation of the northern side of the city centre. It would provide an important link between the Kirkgate Centre and the refurbished John Street Market.

"It would provide an important regional attraction for visitors to the district and could only add to Bradford's case for European Capital of Culture status."

Catherine Riley, manager of the nearby Kirkgate Shopping Centre, said: "The investment in Rawson Quarter together with our own multi-million pound refurbishment reflect the confidence and commitment that businesses have to the city.

"Together the Kirkgate Centre and Rawson Quarter will firmly establish the northern side of the city as the destination in Bradford for shopping, leisure and entertainment."

e-mail: olwen.vasey