TALKS have been continuing in a bid to develop a new deal for the Cougars -- as the club continues with 'business as usual.'

Potential backer Rob Northfield, who has interests in property development has had further talks with Bradford Council and the Co-op who hold the freehold of the Lawkholme Lane ground.

Details of the hush-hush talks have been kept secret, but it is understood they involve looking at potential sites for a new rugby league ground, which would release the present Lawkholme Lane ground for retail or industrial development.

The move comes as rugby league's ruling body was reported to be looking at major changes in the structure of the game.

A preliminary report of the Strategic Planning Committee was presented this week and it is understood to recommend a five-division game. Under Super League two of the National Divisions would be professional and two amateur -- and they would all play in summer.

The committee, which is led by Nigel Wood, is due to present its final report to the game by the end of this month.

RFL Chairman, Sir Rodney Walker, said: "The Council supported the long term proposals contained in the preliminary report which radically alter the structure of the game and secures its long term future.

"Following a substantial, comprehensive and positive debate, the Council gave their approval to a league structure of one Super League and four National Leagues - two professional and two amateur - from the start of the 2003 season.

"The Council have asked the SPC to further debate various options for the 2002 season which will be circulated to clubs for approval prior to the delivery of the final report.

"Part of the plans accepted in principle for the 2000 season and beyond includes the development of both new competitions and a more extensive international fixture programme."

Sir Rodney added: "Many issues were discussed by the clubs but there still remains a substantial workload to complete before the committee's final proposals can be placed before the Council for ratification."