SIR - I feel sorry if Mike Priestley (T&A, July 21) is disappointed at my disagreement with Ann Cryer MP for her assumption that arranged marriages among Asians are responsible for holding back the process of integration and perpetuating poverty.

Her intention to raise the issue of arranged marriages is laudable, but her analysis is cursory and shallow.

The majority of those coming from abroad consist of young males; hence the mother language of their children is English. However, bilingualism cannot be regarded as a disadvantage for being accepted as Bradfordian.

The fact is, there was greater social interaction and willingness to learn each others' way of life when the majority of Asians could hardly speak the language of their adopted country.

I abhor the practice of forced marriages. However, arranged marriages, with the explicit consent of both partners, have by and large proved to be successful.

To suggest that continuation of arranged marriages might have contributed to causes of recent rioting is not only absurd but indicates both Mike Priestley's and Ann Cryer's failure to comprehend the complexities of the situation.

To ignore the real underlying issues and to give priority to a matter which has no direct bearing on the current situation is not the way forward.

Councillor Mohammed Ajeeb, City Hall, Bradford.

SIR - How wonderful to see the faces of some of the thugs suspected of being responsible for destroying our city splashed across the media all over the country.

Hopefully those responsible will not have a moment's peace and will be hounded from pillar to post until they are arrested, charged and locked up for a very long time.

However, call me a miserable old pessimist or Doubting Thomas. Accuse me of being a cynic. But I will only start smiling when I hear that several dozen of these people have actually been convicted and sent to prison.

M Wood, Westercroft View, Northowram.

SIR - Mashid Haque of Thackley thinks our police are "bleating pansies"

May I ask him to join the "bleating pansies" on the front line next time there is a racial riot and see how he copes with fire bombs and bricks and all manner of things being thrown at him.

These racial riots are often just an excuse for criminals to do their worst. There are no principles involved, just thugs hoping to get something for nothing through looting and causing as much damage as they can in the process.

Our police have a difficult job to do and do it to the best of their abilities.

So come on, Mr Haque, put your name forward for riot training and join our "bleating pansies". And help keep "your" city safe from Asian thugs.

Mrs S Wyatt, Park Close, Queensbury (proud mother and mother-in-law of two "bleating pansies").

SIR - I feel Bradford needs more help for the people of this town. We may have got £23 million from the Government. Why should we spend it on local projects?

The money should be given to young people to re-train them and get them off the streets.

People are scared to come to Lister Park to look at the Mogal Gardens. To stop fear, get these people in well-paid training that will lead to jobs.

I worked hard all my life. Now I am retired and don't want to see my city go down. Help the young.

Javed Aktar, St Paul's Road, Manningham.

SIR - Re the report "Don't knock down these shabby flats!" (July 25).

The whole point of the demonstration had been to attract attention to the fact that although money was made available to refurbish these properties, they are due to be demolished.

The question that the Defend Council Housing Campaign protesters were asking was, where has this money gone?

Apart from the fact that the opinions of the tenants are quite blatantly ignored, I also have a problem with the Council thinking they are entitled to do as they please with council land and property.

Am I wrong in thinking that these assets are actually public property and should not be sold or given away without first seeking agreement of the owners, eg the public?

Mrs P Porteous, Manor Drive, Halifax.

SIR - As a long-term resident, I was pleased to hear about the BD3 Regen 2000 initiative. However I, and several others I have spoken to, worry about the way this is being implemented.

Like many others, the first I knew of this initiative was when I received an invitation to nominate someone three days before the closing date - not long enough to prepare a summary and find ten residents to sponsor a candidate!

We then had another three days' notice of a "meet the candidates" session - held on the first Friday night of the holidays. I went, but few others did. There were only 120 listed as attending when I left, and that will have included the 40-pluscandidates and the Lord Mayor.

Will the board really represent us all, and is it to be an effective body? I hope so, because it's our money it will be spending.

It is essential that these initiatives are seen to be credible, so they attract relevant proposals, and the "match funding" they will need to carry them out.

Let's get it right for Bradford this time!

Chris Whitworth, Petrie Grove, Thornbury.

SIR - Some time ago, Mike Priestley commented on the number of people who write to the T&A complaining about various things.

I think it is only fair, therefore, to give credit where credit is due.

After only four phone calls spread over a period of only four months, the Cleansing Department's Bulk Refuse Service have removed the items of rubbish from my yard.

This is a vast improvement on a previous occasion when only some of the specified items were taken and a second visit was required.

So I would like to say: "Well done the Cleansing Department, keep up the good work."

E L Roberts, Heath Terrace, Bradford 3.