Arriva Trains Northern - which operates services on the Airedale line - is to freeze the price of fares.

The announcement comes after many major train companies last week warned of increases of up to 10 per cent in the New Year .

Managing director of Arriva Trains Northern Ray Price says: "Our fares are reviewed annually. However, we fully appreciate the inconvenience that service disruptions have caused our customers and have decided to freeze our fares."

He says: "When we were awarded the franchise last year it was seriously under-funded, with insufficient employees and rolling stock, and a maintenance backlog.

"One of the key issues has been a shortage of train drivers," he comments.

"We have launched one of the largest driver recruitment and training programmes ever seen in the industry to address the issue and provide the level of service that our customers expect and deserve."

Chairman of the Aire Valley Rail Users' Group Tim Calow says: "This is welcome given the problems we have had.

"We want to see fare income maintained to finance investment in the railways. It is badly needed.

"Hopefully, with the addition of more electric trains, we should see an improvement this year."

Arriva Trains Northern will operate timetabled services on New Year's Day throughout the West Yorkshire area.

Train users are asked to check with National Rail Inquiries on 08457 484950 for full details of train times.