Businesses in Bradford have been urged to do their bit to help troubled youngsters.

The Reach Out Project, which already has more than 100 Bradford businesses offering work experience to young people, needs more to sign up to ensure continued success.

The project, which has found work placements for 400 young people, aims to hit its target of 2,000 by 2004.

The project, backed by regional development agency Yorkshire Forward and West Yorkshire Police, hopes to cut crime and increase employment hopes in the district.

Salima Hafajee, who is on the Reach Out Project management board, said: "We need businesses to take a risk to help these young people, we need them to support us and believe in the future of young people.

"For many the transition from a young person to adulthood is difficult, many can fall into drug addiction or criminal activity.

"We show them there is another way by giving them the confidence to see that even though they may not be achieving that much at school they do have a future."

The scheme, which is backed by companies in Bradford including: Polar Ford; Odsal Stadium; and VRG Yorkshire Ltd, takes young people aged 15 and 16 and places them with a company for experience.

Raj Kumar, owner of Bradford-based R&B Joinery, said: "It benefits the companies involved as we do not pay them, but the main reason for doing this is to let them see that there are options for them which do not involve them leaving school and becoming involved in crime."

The children who take part come from 80 schools including Bradford Cathedral Community College and Tong Upper School.

Sue North, project manager, said: "We have had so many positive stories come back from companies about young people who start of uncommunicative and unwilling to join in, who then grow in confidence and really enjoy what they are doing."

Companies seeking further information about the project should contact Sue North, Reach Out, PO Box 9, Wakefield, WF1 3QP.