A CONTROVERSIAL three-storey flats plan opposed by Bramhope residents is to go to a planning appeal.

Housing developer Cala Homes has appealed against the non-determination of its plan for 21 flats on land off Leeds Road and Wynmore Avenue.

The planned three-storey and part single storey building attracted criticism from Bramhope residents, who crowded into a Bramhope Parish Council meeting last year to voice their opposition.

The parish council itself vowed to fight the plan and put up signs at the site, asking residents to 'say no' to the flats.

Members argued that the flats would be out of character in that part of the village.

Residents living close to the site also claimed that the three-storey flats would overshadow their own homes and gardens and said it would be out of keeping with the rest of the village.

The parish council has now been informed that Cala has appealed against the lack of a decision on the plan by Leeds City Council's Development Control (West) Pan-el.

Although a date and a venue for the informal hearing have not yet been set, representations must be sent to the planning inspector in Bristol by May 14.

Bramhope Parish Council has also been running a concerted campaign to have a footpath running across the site officially 'adopted' as a public right of way by Leeds City Council.

They claim the path has been used by generations of Bramhope villagers.

Parish clerk Janet Sunderland (pictured left) said she had recently received a letter from Leeds City Council, saying the parish council's application to have the path recognised is on a waiting list for consideration, and will be determined within four years.

She has asked the council to prioritise the application, as the footpath could be at risk if the flats plan goes ahead.