Aireborough MP Paul Truswell is calling for a Guiseley DIY firm's transfer plans to be thrown out.

Arnold Laver's plans to leave its current premises in the former tramshed at White Cross to a new site at Springhead Mills in Springfield Road.

But Mr Truswell shares nearby residents' concerns that the development will lead to an unacceptable increase in traffic.

He said: "It has been suggested that the store would be largely for the building trade, but that is not the current experience."

He said he supports residents who fear the heavy parking and difficult road junctions on the A65 and on Towngate would not be able to cope with the traffic.

"Laver's move, entailing the change of use of its existing premises, must be seen as one more development that adds traffic to the already congested local road system," he said.

"The net effect is that having secured planning permission that will no doubt maintain or increase the traffic flows on the Otley Road site, they now intend to transfer their existing business and increased traffic to a much less appropriate location bordering a residential conservation area."

And he believed residents would suffer a loss of amenity if Laver's operates seven days a week.

Mr Truswell said: "I appreciate that the site is currently an industrial one, which in itself means that some degree of traffic could be expected. But a retail outlet represents a quantum change to the present usage and will create a significant increase in traffic along Springfield Road. Traffic movements there are already problematic as a result of the narrowness of the road and intensive parking."

Laver's already has planning permission to convert its current base at the former tramsheds at White Cross to a gym and apartments, but requires planning permission to use its intended new home at Springhead Mills for the operation.

A meeting between residents and Leeds City Council officers has been arranged by ward councillor Moira Dunn (Lab, Aireborough) and will take place tomorrow.